Florida Solar Projects in Operation
Large-scale solar installations are the fastest and most cost-effective way to bring solar energy to more Floridians. There are currently three FRP solar sites in operation throughout Florida.
Solar Site Characteristics
Florida Renewable Partners’ solar site projects are typically 74.5 megawatts (MW). Sites produce enough clean emissions-free energy to power about 15,000 homes while reducing emissions equivalent to taking about 14,000 gasoline-dependent cars off the road annually. Our solar energy sites use a free and renewable resource – Florida’s abundant supply of sunlight – to generate cost-effective electricity. Check out these other key features:
Increased Tax Revenue
Generates hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax revenue yearly for the counties where they operate
Zero carbon emissions
Environmentally Friendly
Feature native vegetation and wildflowers to support wildlife and pollinators
Generates air and water quality benefits
Site status and performance monitored 24/7
Job Creation
Provides an economic boost and generates about 250 jobs during peak construction phase
Virtually Invisible
Panels sit low to the ground and are often hidden from view behind trees and shrubs
Great Neighbors
No water or fuel required, no lights at night, no increase to traffic and no property value impacts